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"Helping you discover connection in
your passion, work and self"
About Us

Your Life and Wellness Coach

With a Love For Everything Yoga

Melody here! Melody May to be exact and I am thrilled to be sharing my passion with you. 

Before you go any further, I wanted to share a little about who I am so you can understand what I am about and how we can go on a journey together!


I create a space for students to challenge themselves in a safe environment, inviting self-inquiry, transformation and love throughout every yoga session. These experiences cultivate strength of the body and mind, almost always through core engagement because we all know we could use some more core work in our lives. 



My favourite yoga pose: Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand), because being upside down gives you a different perspective on life and that is truly invigorating!

Looking to make a shift in your life? Need to be kept accountable and supported? I am a certified Life/Health Coach and I am here to assist you on your journey.  As a coa...
Life/Health Coaching Session
1 hr



From restorative to vinyasa flows, I will guide you, your group or event through the practice of breathe with ease.

You can choose the time and place for your private practice or join me in one of my classes I teach each week.


I have been there. And now I want to help you through it. From having children to juggling my full-time career and life commitments, to having a side-hustle. I am always learning and committed to personal growth, and now I am here to support you and guide to finding a more balanced life.


This began as a way to maintain my own health and has now evolved into sharing the wealth. Total Life Changes products include a range of supplements.  As a TLC business owner I believe every interaction is an opportunity to change someone’s life for the better. TLC is my go to for health and wellness, let it be yours too!



Melody May
Toronto, ON

Tel: 416.678.1116

"I’ve never been someone who is a huge yoga fan. Part of the reason is because I never found a yoga class or instructor that really spoke to me, that was until I started yoga with Melody. Melodys classes are simply magical. Melody has an ability to create an atmosphere that encourages the novice or expert to really embrace the creation of their own authentic practice. Melodys practice and playlists transform your yoga practice to another level."

- Robina A.

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